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What some of us make in a year, Chloe Amour sometimes makes in a day. She’s not in finance or tech – she’s in the business of being spoiled by sugar daddies.
In one month, Chloe made up to £30,500 in lavish gifts and cash – not bad for 30 days work.
The 32-year-old has been a sugar baby for around 10 years to various sugar daddies – men who give her an allowance in exchange for her time and attention.
Chloe, from Las Vegas, U.S, has one partner at a time, but has had five sugar daddies in total, all of whom are wealthy enough to take her on luxury holidays or out on expensive dates.
While she has to make herself available around-the-clock to these men, the financial compensation is generous.
Chloe’s most extravagant gift came from one benefactor who simply handed her £30,000.
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‘I live a very lavish and comfortable life – all my bills are paid for and everything is five-star,’ says Chloe, who has 2.1m followers on Instagram.
‘I have absolutely no stress about money when I have a sugar daddy. They don’t make me pay for a thing – they enjoy spoiling me.’
It’s not a career choice that provides a steady monthly wage though, with her earnings being anywhere from £7,000 to £30,000 – depending on her benefactor’s generosity.
‘This is a mix of both gifts and a cash allowance,’ she explains. ‘In return, they get time with me to travel or to take me out.
‘I meet with them twice a month, or up to 14 times, depending on the sugar daddy.
‘I block out time for them and make them a priority since they give me an allowance.’
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These sugar daddies pay her bills – either by handing her the exact amount or by giving her money to spend as she sees fit.
While Chloe doesn’t specifically ask for lavish gifts, she certainly receives them in spades.
She says: ‘I don’t request money for luxury items, I just let them surprise me because I love surprises.
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‘I get lots of designer items like fine jewellery, bags, shoes and clothes.
‘They also pay to bring me on lavish trips and experiences; Costa Rica, Miami, Dubai and China are highlights for me.’
Chloe remembers one sugar daddy who she was exclusive to gave her a credit card with a £76,000 limit.
‘The most I’ve ever received as a gift, or donation, is £30,000 in one day,’ she adds.
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While it can seem like a tempting career choice, Chloe warns the relationships can turn sour, so the lifestyle isn’t for everyone.
She explains: ‘I was gifted a car and a house by one sugar daddy, but it wasn’t under my name.
‘Our relationship didn’t last longer than two years because he became controlling and jealous.
‘He wanted me to quit sex work and delete my social media. He basically wanted me to go broke so I would have to rely on him to take care of me.
‘Every day was hot and cold. Things became toxic and it wasn’t worth having my freedom taken away.’
Chloe does say that this type of behaviour isn’t very common with sugar daddies, though. For her, this was a first; but they can often come across ‘needy’ or ‘demanding’.
Signs of controlling financial abuse
Financial abuse is part of coercive control, it involves a pattern of controlling, threatening and degrading behaviours relating to money and finances.
The perpetrator uses money to control their partner’s freedom. This can include using credit or debit cards without permission or building up debts in their partner’s name.
Financial abuse also includes restricting access to essential resources and services, such as food, clothing or transport, and refusing to allow someone to improve their economic status through employment, education or training. Some examples of economic abuse are:
- Controlling all of the household income and keeping financial information a secret
- Taking out debts in your name, sometimes without you knowing
- Stopping you from being in work, education or training
- Making you do a certain amount of hours at work, not contributing to any bills
- Having control over spending, checking receipts, having everything in their name
If you are experiencing financial abuse, Surviving Economic Abuse can support you.
Charities such as Women’s Aid and Refuge have further guidance on signs to look for and what options are available.
Money Advice Plus also provides dedicated support to survivors of domestic abuse with their money worries to create the opportunity to regain financial control and economic stability.
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Despite the sugar baby job description seeming enticing, it does come with sacrifices and Chloe doesn’t plan on doing it forever.
She says: ‘I can be taken away from spending time with my friends – but the sugar daddies are usually understanding if I have plans with my family.
‘I don’t think everyone can handle this lifestyle. I know people who refuse to do it.
‘[Due to] the success of my career, as well as [the sugar daddies] also loving my look and personality, I think that’s what makes me so popular.
‘At some point, it will be something I give up when I decide to get married and start a family of my own.’
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